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Help? Need advice from artists/writers/creators pl by sirkain

Haven't written a journal in a while. Its been a stressful mess as well as a busy mess. But to the point of this journal…

I have been chiseling away at the huge amount of traditional art I have collected in the form of commissions, prints and comics since 1995 onward. While going through some of the more current chunks of the pile to scan in I am finding I have a heck of a lot of prints. Maybe more than I have actual traditional commission pieces. Some rare comics too…

My worry is these are all deteriorating, I don't remember when I got most of these prints/comics, and I don't know if the original creators of the pieces would either want them back, or who would even want these if I sold them or flat out gave away?

I have moved to the larger bedroom in my basement away from the master bedrooms I was living in for a long time upstairs that I am now renting out soon. I don't got money for storage and the storage space in my garage I got is already full of more vital items. My first goal is to get all this stuff scanned in at 300DPI. The next is where I need help on: What do I do with the prints/comics THEN? I maybe know about a quarter to a third of the creators of the works are still around in the fandom or online/reachable period.. the rest I have no idea on. Have any of you been through a similar situation? Id hate for these to get any more deteriorated or ruined, but this isn't exactly collectible stuff that's common like silverware or cars or guns or records etc.

Eventually, I will have links and a journal with said links in it to the scans of the prints and some of the comics in question I'm looking to hand off/return to the creators. Will split the NSFW items from the rest in their own link and a warning of course. But would like to hear any thoughts any of my watchers got on this.

Thanks for reading.

Help? Need advice from artists/writers/creators pl


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