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My favorite subject matter? by TortoiseShellRex

Hi, everybody

Compared to what I did show on my gallery so far and in the past, there are more my favorite pieces of subject matter even as I delve into commissions now. The most of all the content I crave the most is anything feline, because I feel that is what describes me within the spectum, and because as I visited my aunt's house at a weekend basis, I used to sketch her cats, because they are svelte and possibilities are in them. Particularly domestic cats, specifically quadrupedal. No matter how everyone else feels about it, and despite my repression of such passions in a hierarchy of subject matter within this community, I always wanted to explore those possibilities, not just the same old poses of lucrative value, which I ought to flesh out later on if I ever make it out alive hehehe.
I also have other likes in subject matter. Most of them involve everyday actions, gesture based poses, anatomical analyses. Call them art school fodder all you want, but with these criteria, I feel secure.
Besides cats, I also like deer, maybe horses can be a worthy challenge. I feel a preference toward other animals that need more or as much attention as canines seen everywhere.
So I get that advice from every whom I talked to saying I should "draw what I like", but at the same time getting suggested to "draw what others like". Dislikes I may disclose if I am bold enough, but may risk away a client's offer just by that. As far as I had adapted to this community, we are all like animals of a black and white perspective, trying hard to adapt to the grayscale but primarily not entirely or at all. As I can understand from cat history, they may live independently, with an agenda, but they have no structured hierarchy, but a social sense of equality.
I am still on a journey to find myself in what I can draw that make me feel secure about myself, as well as adapting to others' sense of tastes besides mine, especially if I wish to make it out alive via commissions.
I shall write more onward later,

Thanks for reading g in any case

My favorite subject matter?


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    It's always hard to decide whether to draw what you want or to draw what others want. If you're an artist doing commissions though, I think showing that you can draw a variety of things will gather more interest from potential commissioners. But if you stop yourself from drawing what makes you feel good, then drawing feels like work and no fun. I suppose finding a balance between the two is what all commission artists eventually want to reach. Good luck to you! :)

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    I agree with Keirajo. A healthy balance of things you love to draw, while adding in some things maybe you're not as familiar with, will help keep things fresh.