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November Update by IridescenceStudios

I can't believe it's November already.

Writing wise I can report I finished part 2 of the Lauren mini project, but part 3 is proving a little trickier than I thought. I got a good idea for how I want to end it, I think, but it might take more work and bleed into the next short story work session.

My goal is to try and finish the mermaid story before the end of the year but that's dependent on a few factors. If not this year than early next. I have a couple of projects I'm thinking of for next year's slots as well as an idea I might run by you guys in a while.

A few things have been going on lately which have screwed me up a bit... I got two jury notices for the space of two weeks. Yes, you heard that right. TWO. One from district court and one from local. Two weeks after. Anyway the first told me to check the website and now it appears they don't need me this Monday. I'm hoping it turns out they don't need me next Monday either and I'm good for that.... Wish me luck.

Also I had a little adventure with my car's FOB or remote or whatever. I was getting ready to leave on Friday and I pushed the button as I always do. Nothing happened. I was like 'that's weird', and tried again. After it still didn't work, I went inside and got the backup key. Same thing. I was getting close to 'go time', so I threw my second key in my car and opened the door with the key. Both times it set off my car alarm since the last time the remote did work was in the on position.

So I pondered the problem while I was doing my least favorite job at work (I was pretty mad at this point), and decided that despite my initial thought it was not the battery, I should try to eliminate that first since I didn't want to take it to a dealership, waste the time and money, and find out it was something simple. I was hesitant because the remote's light did turn on, but it didn't activate the intended functions, and both keys were dead, but it also occurred to me that both keys were about 9 years old and probably from the original battery.... So I went and replaced them, and fortunately, ten minutes and $10 later, it was fixed.

Also, I have a little news on the personal front.... I have been asked by spectravixen to be her maid of honor, a title I honestly never expected to hold. It's going to be a small affair, but hopefully a fun one.

That's all for now.


November Update


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