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Sparky here (Personal updates). by Sparkyopteryx

Been a while since I've posted a journal of what exactly is happening on my end, for those watchers interested.

Firstly, for those of you that have recently commissioned me or are in a trade with me, worry not. Mailing some commissions this week and working on said trade this week as well, and when that is done I'll be working on more extant commissions this month, with some possible personal stuff on the side during it. It's just going to take me a while. The reason being I'll outline below.

Secondly, Mister%20Midnight is still working his new-ish job at the Body Jewelry company, and his hours this month are going to be hectic. 6 days a week for him all July, unfortunately. At least it isn't the myriad slave labor jobs he's worked in the past, so I'm thankful of that. This also means that our forecasted collaborations are probably going to be on hold, since he has such precious few days off simply to relax. Oh, speaking of body jewelry, he was sweet enough to get me a second set of earlobe piercings during World Piercing Day on the 28th of June. I freaking love them.

Thirdly, there is an ungodly heat wave that my residence is currently in the grip of. We had about four days of triple digits earlier this June, and it's deciding to hit us again this whole week and possibly beyond. I have a very hard time coping with heat this bad (I think a lot of people do, come to think of it). I tend to get lethargic and moody, and to top it off this house, if you can believe it, has no AC to speak of. Yep. Gotta close up the house and turn off the lights till it's dark as a cave and plug in the fans because that's the best we can do. Lack of proper lighting compounds the problem of me not being able to work on art, along with me generally having no energy. Even with the closed up house, it still reaches over 90 degrees in here by 5:00. Last I checked it had already reached 100+ (!) degrees outside by 1 o' clock today. Definitely not conducive to proper productivity.

So if it seems like I'm taking a while to work on commissions, trades or other projects, that is why. All I can say is that I'm thankful I'm not in Vegas right now.

That being said, how is everyone else's summer so far? Doing anything for the 4th? Love this season? Hate it?

Me? I need an ice cold milk tea. Or better yet, ice cold Scotch. Someone save me from this place...


Sparky here (Personal updates).


Journal Information



  • Link

    Ugh, I'm sorry to hear about the heat wave. I'll be over here thinking frigid thoughts for you.

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      Immersing myself in games such as Skyrim and good ol' tabletops certainly takes the edge off at least. What I would give for a summer vacation in Iceland, ha!

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    I wouldn't mind borrowing some of that heat. We've had the fire burning almost constantly for the last couple of days.