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Anthrocon 2013 Here We Come! by DakotaMalamute

Since AC is the biggest con of the year, I figure I should do the meme and let everyone know I'll be there. I go more for seeing people than for anything else, so please give me a shout if you want to meet up!

Meme stolen from Katie.

Where are you staying?

I'll be in the con hotel! Managed to grab a reservation as soon as they went live.

What day are you getting there?

Sometime on Thursday after a drive with Homelesstaco.

Who will you be with?

I'll be rooming with Homelesstaco, kaden, Atrus, and a non-fur friend John. During the con, I like to bounce around between friends, so I could be with anyone at any given time.

Do you do free art?

I'm not an anthro artist, but if you want me to doodle a design in your notebook, I may if I'm free.

Do you do trades?

Again, not an anthro artist, but I can doodle designs and would love to throw some ink in your notebook in exchange for something in mine.

Do you do commissions?

For commissions, there isn't anything I can make at the con. However, if you're interested in the things I make, talk to me about after the con.

What are your limits to drawing?

Anything I draw is oriented towards calligraphy brush designs.

What is your gender?


How old are you?


Can I talk to you?

Can you place nouns and verbs together? Then please do! I love chatting.

Can I touch you?

Hugs for greetings are okay. Creepy touching is not okay. If you feel the need to ask, then probably no.

Can I hang out with you?

Sure! It's what I'm there for.

How can I find you?

If you know me, you probably know what I look like. If you can't find me, a private message on Twitter or here will get my attention.

Can I buy you drinks?

If we're friends and/or are hanging out at the bar, a drink is always appreciated!

Can I hug or snuggle with you?

Hugs are great! Snuggles are reserved for the special.

How tall are you?

I'm 5'11", so good luck finding me based on that alone.

Are you nice?

Mhmm! Even if I stub my toe and get mad, I'm still nice to everyone XD

Can I stalk you?

Just say hi 0.o If you need to stalk me, then you probably shouldn't.

How long are you going?

Thursday through Monday, all day every day.

Do you have an artist table?

Engraving glass all weekend would kill my hands, so no.

Do you like parties?

Uh yeah!

If I see you, how should I get your attention?

Yell my name, poke me, or throw something at me that won't cause permanent damage.

Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?

Somewhere in Pittsburgh within a 3-mile radius of the convention center.

What/where will you be eating?

Wherever all my friends want to go. We sort of meander as a group on a whim.

Can I look in your sketchbook?

Sure! Especially if I can look through yours, too.

Can I draw in your sketchbook?

I'd love for you to! I have some calligraphy and brush markers on hand if you don't have any drawing instruments.

Can I take your picture?

If we're in the public space, sure. If we're in a private gathering, please get my attention first.

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?

The same as every con: Have fun, see old friends, make new friends, and not give a crap about anything for a weekend and just relax!

Anthrocon 2013 Here We Come!


Journal Information



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    Have fun you two!!

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      I wish you could be there :<

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        Me too, but it's an expensive con. Definitely not something that can happen for a while for me--especially now that I'm down here. u o u

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          Unfortunately it is. I probably wouldn't even be going if the room deposits were refundable.

          Ah well. I suppose it's a much-needed respite for me, anyway. I just hope we get to see you again soon ^.^

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            I hope so, too!!