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I Think I've Come To A Decision About My Artwork.. by ArcadiaKad

During my break I have spent time thinking about what really makes me happy and what doesn't and what direction I'd like to go with my art. It has been a pretty insightful month for me and I think...I'm not going to do anymore porn commissions.

After some thought I've found that this shit really does not make me happy because I find myself silently annoyed at the crowd it brings in. I don't mind drawing the stuff for myself or close friends or a few customers I really enjoyed working with, but...I've come to find out that I really do not like drawing for strangers, especially the types that that stuff seems to attract. And I feel that I should not keep on drawing things for people I'm not too fond of to get some cash. Not only that, I honestly feel it is putting a huge stump on me improving as an artist. I wish to branch out and do more then drawing critters bonking each other. That isn't something I want to do for the rest of my life.

So, I think I'll go back to doing more cleaner and meaningful artwork and drawing more of what I'd like to draw...drawing more for me and not caring what everyone else thinks about it and building up on my portfolio as well. I may possibly open up some kind of donation line to for those that like my work alot and wish to help me out by donating on their own time...I just...don't wish to give out my paypal I'm not sure how to go about it.

This does not mean I'll stop doing adult works period, I'll just be drawing more so for myself and friends when it comes to that stuff. I may also do it for an old customer I actually liked working with every once and awhile, but that is about it.

I'm happy that I at least tried it out enough to know that I really don't like doing some of this instead just saying no and never really finding out if I truly would or not. I guess in some degree I may not regret it 'cuz I've learned some things from it...alot about how people are..including myself.

And never fear, the lesbians aren't going away..I really like the ladies..You'll just more then likely see my draw mushy shit of them more often then straight up porn. 8I Well..I like many sexes and..things...I think you get the point tho...I hope.

But yeah, I just, wont be doing porn commissions from here on out.

For next month's commissions I may end up doing ferals or drawing people's pets. We'll see. 8P

Thanks for those that have commissioned me and those that still will commission me or stick around despite the decision I've made.

I Think I've Come To A Decision About My Artwork..


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  • Link

    i aproove of yur choice nyruku, *salutes* godspeed, nyru, and may yur art evolve as you see it must. 8l

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    Do keep in mind though that there are tonnes of creepers of the non-sexual variety too.

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      It's not just creepers, its the attitude of some people too. I'm pretty aware that there are many kinds of people out there, that wont stop me from doing what I wish though.