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Struggles, Hope & Japan by taala

Hey! I know it's been a long time since the last update, but not too much has changed, however I thought to keep everyone in the know!

I'm gonna be very honest. I have been struggling to produce art. I've been battling thoughts of refunding everyone because my art is 'not good enough'. I feel like I'm not good enough. And, I know logically that is simply not true.

However, I have the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. Jinx has been so, so supportive! And after some encouraging words, I was able to pull my head back into gear, and work on art again!

So, here's hoping!

To everyone who bought a chibi: I will get as much as I can before my trip to Japan, everyone has at least gotten a final sketch!

To my poor backlog commissioners: I have not forgotten at all!! I've been using the chibis to get a hang of my art again! I will work on yours as soon as my trip to Japan is done!

I leave very soon to Japan, and will be there for a week, and then I'll be back! On my social media, you can see details of my trip!

Thank you again to everyone who has been so patient and wonderful to me! I still have so much going on, but I'm hanging on, and not giving up!
どうもありがとう !!


Struggles, Hope & Japan


Journal Information



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    I know the feeling of thinking one's own art is inadequate, so I'm sorry to hear you feel like that. I'm really glad your boyfriend helped you snap out of it; hang in there, and remember that you've got people interested in your work for a good reason. Either way, have fun on your trip to Japan. :3

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      oh thank you so much!! I really appreciate this comment and yes I had a great time in Japan!!