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Season 7 Completes, XP Spending Season Opens by FHL


Season 7 Completes, Off-Season XP Season Opens

WORLDWIDE, September 7, 2019 -

With the Playoff Awards officially concluded, Season 7 is officially complete.

With its completion, the commission would like to announce the opening of the Off-Season Experience Spending Season.

As of now, all agents whose players earned Experience Points (XP), to include all XP not spent in prior seasons, via season awards, accruals, contributions to the league, et. cetera, may submit applications for how such XP may be spent to the Furry Hockey League (FHL) in order to improve player statistics.

To Submit a spending list, an agent may,
FIll out a Spending Application Form via the link below, detailing what you would like to do:
Send a Note detailing spending to the FHL
Contact a Commissioner (Karl, Bluefire or Kenku) about setting up via Discord, FA, Telegram.

For those who wish to do in depth spending, information on what each players XP numbers are available from from the following links below::

General Cost for Growth Points and Perks are available in the link below:

And the general benefits of the various growth points are available in the link below:

There is also a stat calculator for Base Stats available in the link below with stat lines listed in the first two tabs:

Any questions, comments, or concerns should be left either in the Journal Comment Section, via sending a note to the Official FHL pages on FA, DevArts, Facebook, Twitter and Weasyl, via contacting the Commissioners on Discord or Telegram, or sent via email to the official FHL email address

Should any player wish, they may allow their current General Manager (GM) to submit XP Spending on their behalf. GMs may also submit spending for players in lieu of a submission by their agents.

XP Spending closes at Midnight Eastern Standard Time on the 20th of September, 2019. Any and all players who have not submitted their Experience Point Spending Application Form, or have not authorized their GM to spend their XP on their behalf forfeit the right to submit the Experience Point Spending Application Form and will have their spending completed by the instructions of the GM. Should a GM not have submitted a spending form, the player will have their XP spent by a default guide by the commissioners.

We hope everyone has an excellent Off-Season and we hope to see you in the upcoming year, set to start in October!

The FHL is an anthropomorphic simulated fantasy hockey league with 18 teams as of Season 7 and a diverse membership spanning 5 continents. For more information please visit our FA: ( or our Website: (

Season 7 Completes, XP Spending Season Opens


Journal Information
