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Weekly Update 9/4/2019 by cardiajohnscott

This past week was pretty hectic and put me off of my normal time for writing my weekly update. I was visiting a friend's mother in the hospital. She was in there because of complications related to cancer. She did not survive the hospital trip I'm sorry to say. It did remind me a lot of my mother's own passing to cancer so I can give a lot of sympathy to my friends and friend's family.

I cleaned up some things online but outside of that I mostly hung out with friends. I have been considering the philosophies on the side but had to scale back reading those. Instead, I mostly went back to old games such as Skyrim and Fallout 4 and playing those using an evil character. It is pretty hard to play those characters as evil. I'd say with anything it is difficult to play evil as that's counter to the way things are. Of course we all want to do good.

I didn't think I would go back to writing and drawing regularly but I think I might on a personal limited basis. I need to focus back on getting the philosophies and my own new creed back into line. I won't be able to do much on the creed because of personal finances and risks associated with those. I doubt I'm going to let many except close friends and family know what the creed I've come up with is. Hopefully I can get the creed fully realized coming up.

I had a four day weekend and have been coming in early before 2nds at 11am and working twelve hour shifts earlier than usual when I stay over.

Weekly Update 9/4/2019


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