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Back From Bronycon! by PieMan24601

Sorry this journal's a bit late, I was enjoying some extra days with Floaty as he visited <3

Bronycon was wonderful, I am so very happy I was able to go! I cannot thank you all enough for the support you've all given the fundraiser. Because of your kindness, I was able to see my friends, and that means so very much to me. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart! <3

As I mentioned in the previous journal, I will be finishing the fundraiser art ASAP now that I am back from the con. Stay tuned for that if you wanna see a big cute weed smoking horse!

The con was just so much fun. There were some pretty big bummers, mostly caused by the convention center being WAY overcrowded, and the staff not knowing how to handle it at all. Lines were hours long, and after waiting all that time, it didn't even guarantee you would make it inside. The dealers room lines were abysmal, often so disorganized that NOBODY could tell if it was the right line or where the end was.

But other than that, the con was a really enjoyable time. I got to spend a lot of time with my good buddy floatymyboaty, and I got to hang out with mulberrytarthorse and chubbybleu. I built my first Gunpla model kit, made JargonScott laugh, bought lotsa lovely art, acquired an applejack plushie, and hugged many fursuiters. It was very good for me, and really helped me to feel much better. It was a much needed break.

I took a decent amount of pictures and a lot of video. If you guys want, I'll put it all together in a little video for you all to enjoy. Stay tuned for that if you're interested. ^^

So now, I have 10 days to chill before Furrydelphia. Being a local con, this one will be MUCH easier to attend, and I don't think i'll have to do any kind of fundraising for it. Specially not before the bronycon one is finished. Lemme know if you're attending Furrydelphia, I'd love to see you there!

Thank you all so much, I love you all and I am very tired, I will now nap~

Back From Bronycon!


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