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Commission slots + bonus slots selected by Nommz


Thank you all who submitted a commission form! Its always really exciting to read over everyone's different ideas, and its super flattering seeing how many folks are interested in my work. 88 individual form submissions this time, wow! Took a little bit, but I managed to narrow down the remaining two main slots and get a good chunk of bonus commission slots as well! Emails have been sent out to those who got a commission slot. If you didn't receive an email, your commission might have been selected as a "Bonus Commission", which are listed here:

If you see your name listed there, keep an eye on your emails the next month or so; I'll be taking those on periodically!

If you don't know what's the deal with bonus commissions, here's some copypasta:

Its effectively a waitlist of the simpler ideas that folks submitted. I'll take them on every so often when I have spare time or in between big commissions. They work a bit differently, though pricing is the same as normal:

-Won't all be taken on at once. Only several at a time, if folks respond in a timely fashion.
-A bit of random priority, often being taken in during spare time or between more complex commissions as a break or warm-up.
-May or may not be streamed. Sometimes I'll just do them on my own when I'm bored one night.
-Only one preliminary sketch (the vast majority are picked because they don't seem like they'd need more than one anyway)

If your commission idea has been selected as a bonus commission and these terms aren't acceptable for whatever reason, that's alright! You can let me know via comment, note, or email, and I can take you off the list, no problem. Likewise, if I get to your bonus commission, and for whatever reason you need to postpone or cancel it, just let me know! If you're on the list, I'd like to ask you a favor to check back on your emails every so often just in case! I WILL contact everyone on the list at some point. I cannot say for certain when, but I will email you!

As always, its a real challenge trying to narrow down these slots. My apologies if you submitted and didn't receive a slot this time around; I encourage you to try again next time! There were a lot of ideas that just barely missed the cut and I'd really be down to give them a shot sometime!

Commission slots + bonus slots selected


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