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Home from Anthrocon 2019 by Malachyte

I got home at 2AM Monday night (Tuesday morning, whatever), then had to head straight into errand running and work the next two days. I am now finally caught up on sleep and can unpack my bags from the con.

I had a fabulous time as ever! It was lovely seeing so many of you, and I thank you all again for all the kind words and nice things everyone had to say. Special thanks to those who checked out my art in the art show!

Normally at conventions, I overbook myself and sacrifice sleep to get work done, but this time for the first time ever, I managed to keep it to a modest amount and keep myself from being so stressed I get sick. A true miracle.

Now that I'm back from AC, I'm taking a few days to get my work space back in order, and then I'll be finishing up art I owe from my queue (two take homes from ANE, and one from AC). I'm also going to be starting weekly streaming again, with stream commissions! I'm very excited to get back into this.

Hope you all had a good time, those who went to AC!

Home from Anthrocon 2019


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