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I will be cutting back on what I'm posting here! by DarkChibiShadow

Hey everyone!

So, for a while, I was treating Weasyl like any other gallery site I use; trying to upload basically everything I make here as a nice comprehensive gallery.

But... the more I post, the more apparent it becomes that people just aren't using this site to look at my art.
I already have about 5+ places I post to (when you're as small time as I am, you have to) but posting on Weasyl just doesn't seem to be working out for me...

I'll still be posting bigger illustrations I like, and I'll still post comic pages here; but I won't be posting as many notifications for my Patreon, updates for Space School, and various other smaller drawings.

Hope this doesn't disappoint any of you as I have many other places where I post art!
In fact, here's a link to show a list of all the other places you can follow me:

Thanks everyone! Have a good day!

I will be cutting back on what I'm posting here!


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  • Link

    You can use PostyBirb to make it easier to continue posting everything here. :3

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      I've tried PostyBirb, and I just can't seem to get it working for me.
      Also, it's not entirely even the fact that I have so many places as much as I don't get much feedback, comments, or favs from Weasyl at all. There's just not much traffic.

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      Also, PostyBirb doesn't work for Tapas, Webtoons, or Smackjeeves which are all sites I post to regularly.

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        Aw dang that's a shame. I hope that the new update for PostyBirb works for you, and that the creator adds those places soon.

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    I really recommend PostyBird if you want post on multiple platforms, really saves a lot of time!

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      I've tried PostyBirb, and I just can't seem to get it working for me.
      Also, it's not entirely even the fact that I have so many places as much as I don't get much feedback, comments, or favs from Weasyl at all. There's just not much traffic.

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      Also, PostyBirb doesn't work for Tapas, Webtoons, or Smackjeeves which are all sites I post to regularly.

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        Sounds all perfectly fine and understandale!
        I admit I just use Weasyl nowadays thanks to PB. As for my comic I also focus on WebToon and website, using PB to post teasers to lead to these places.

        A bit of curious questions, as a felow WT user, how do you post spicy/NSFW there? Or you don't post these kinda pages there?

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          I only started using Webtoons once I got my first SFW comic in a while-- I haven't run into any NSFW pages yet so I (unfortunately) don't have an answer for you. Most likely I'll either post the pages censored in some way (though I'm not sure they allow even that) OR I'll just say hey you can read the spicy pages at such and such link and let people find it by themselves.

          I do know that Tapas allows you to post NSFW pages censored though!