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Price Changes by Nommz

Hey folks!

I'd mentioned this day would come... the day Nommz updates his prices. Well, here we are! I might as well just post the price changes here. This affects the base prices for slot commissions, in USD:
Sketch - 28 -> 60
Flats - 48 -> 80
Shaded - 80 -> 120
Speedpaint - 100 -> 150
Painting - 120 -> 200

Alright, I figure I'd give a brief little explanation and talk about this change!

The big thing for me in changing prices was that it was very difficult to balance slot commissions and slavestream prices. Obviously there needs to be advantages and disadvantages to both, but they need to be comparable, because no one should feel like they were ripped off! It took me a while to reconcile with how current slavestreams were going and how those compared with prices for my normal slots.

After a while thinking about it, I found the main roadblock that caused me so much issue figuring this out: my 'sketches' aren't exactly sketches. They're more akin to linework, and they take a considerable amount of time to complete. I've always avoided calling them such, though, because I don't really enjoy linework, and it would mean my shoddy line quality would be called into question. They're just cleaned up sketchwork.

However, that made my stream results always feel lackluster, because they were 'sketches', and I struggled to price them in line with how long it took me to finish them because they were 'sketches'. I had to come to terms with the fact that my art process is different than most artists, and I have to adjust my prices to reflect myself rather than the standard. So, these prices are more similar to how slavestreams have been turning out. All the other costs for additional details are the same.

Are slavestream prices changing? No, not as of right now. I'm gonna give this some time to feel out, and see how things progress. Given how much I finish in an hour, I'm very comfortable with $40 an hour right now. It won't stay that price forever, though; it will likely change within the next year. I know there's actually been people wanting me to increase prices, and I understand! But I'm trying to adjust my process and prices to not only better reflect the quality of work, but also for my own mental wellbeing - I take the quality of my work very seriously, and I really enjoy being able to provide something worthwhile! If I'm not happy with my work it really bugs me.

Anyway, I think that about sums it up. I'm nearing completion on this current batch, and hope to open up again soon for normal commission slots! I'll of course post about it closer to the date. Lemme know if you have any questions! I know this may be a bit of a bummer to some of you and I might be a bit out of your price range, but I hope you can understand! I'm doing my best to keep moving forward, and I look forward to being able to do more things in the future, such as art packs or YCH's! Keep on the lookout!

Price Changes


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