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Reminder More active at FA by Ohmuu

Pretty much I'm more active at Furaffinity and rarely check back here.
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I really just treat this place as a backup.

Reminder More active at FA


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    A lot of us are here because we're never going back there. Maybe consider a multi-poster app?

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      Can't really do that now as there's 200+ stuff that still hasn't been posted here. I'm that behind.
      It's also pretty dead here since I first came here. Still posting but it'll take awhile since this site is lagging real bad.

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        I understand.

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        I also suggest the Multiposter like postybirb.

        And suggest as well to instead of upload all your art, maybe upload just some of your favorites, then move on from there? As for the lag, I've been telling people to message weasyl through their support email or twitter that they are having site issues. The lag is a concern. Dunno what the cause is, though. Maybe that one bot that tries uploading spam everyday?

        Folks can be quite talkative if you comment as well a bit. :3 Let them know you are actually here and not ghosting them.

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          90% of what I draw is commissions. And I don't want to start posting only certain ones as I'll eventually get lost on what hasn't been posted. Rather go by order.
          And sorry I'm generally not so social. Would be rare for me to comment about things unless commented on.

          I've checked out the multiposter but yea I need to post everything first to be up to date and will try it out.

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            Alrighty. i wish you luck in your posting endeavors. You got a lot. Wish I knew a good way to have been able to help with that. Least I get to see all your art all over again. Ya got the the ones that I remember watching ya for.

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              Oh pfff thanks. The struggle is real as even with the lag I keep on posting.