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New Update by foxgamer01

Hello all. Just been trying to make more journals so I don't leave you guys hanging without an update.

Work is doing OK, if reasonably stressful. If you noticed my Twitter, I did make some depressing comments which do have to do with my work. To explain, since December the deli I work in has lost a number of employees for a number of reasons (mainly through walking out, one during the middle of his shift) and my manager has been suspended for an investigation for forgetting to clock in and misremembering when she came in to started work by an hour over. I've been hoping that it would be a few days, but this is the third week without her, and none of the store managers have any answers about what's going on either way.

Now, you might be thinking: Why not get another job? The answer to that is: I still need a source of income, and I'm still hoping that my manager will return to work since I enjoy working with her. Plus, it's a good writing environment believe it or not.

In other news, I'm doing alright. I've been taking an English class at the advice of :iconMidday-Mew: so I can improve my grammar. At least, that's the plan, but the course I've taken doesn't teach how to improve one's grammar. Whoops. >.|.>;;

Now to relax and wait until I hear news of XCX2.

New Update


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