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Welp Just an Update by HaruShadows

As many have heard Tumblr has killed itself. I made a couple other places like Newgrounds.
Been semi inactive slow with stuff since I shattered my elbow in Jan and had surgery. Recovery time is like 2 years since it was really bad and a joint.

I will be having another surgery next Friday so I dunno how active I can be. It had to be my drawing arm (right side) At least I know how wrestles feel when they land only padded ring. I had wood/concrete floor :(

Welp Just an Update


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    Ah dang. I wish you the best of luck in your recoveries. That's a really long time.

    :3 have you thought about seeing what its like to draw with your other hand with the other side is healing? I ended up doing
    that for a while, and its weird where its like your at lv 0 again except you already know what to do. So then practicing and then
    all of a sudden the other side learned to draw relatively well, too.
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      I had to kinda write with my left when I couldn't use my hand even. That took 3 months until I could at least try sign something with my right.At least I didn't have fill out doctor forms lol cause I couldn't use whole arm. I hate doing those confusing things.

      I just don't know how much pain or swelling will happen. Therapy takes up my extra time too. Probably won't be clear to drive for awhile again. I legally couldn't until August :/ It is still not easy.