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Age 17 poem by GuzzleMuzzle

To be 17 again
Driven home, taken for a brief ride
Picking up prescription medications
Sitting in the passenger's seat, broken
A twisted, malfunctioning toy
A shell of what little I once was
Watching the sunlight I had always loved dearly
Feeling the wind on my cheek
I couldn't cry. I had forgotten how
I wanted to go somewhere. Where, I couldn't know
Perhaps to where the doves congregate before flight?
Perhaps to where the kittens play under mother's watch?
I wanted a blanket. A comforter to huddle under
To hide from the searing rains of confusion
To mask the anger that couldn't yet complete itself
Something soft in contrast to hardship
How I longed for the sunset
But the morning was just as divine
I managed to come home happy
Back to brother and sister with a smile
It seems my childhood was waiting for me to arrive home
At least, to provide safe haven, forever
I wasted my chance at normalcy
I passed over to new designations

I became an experiment.

And I would remain one until my breath was no more...



Based on a true story.

I'm usually more prone to writing poetry in a more strict structure.

I remember seeing this style around the year 2010 through 2013 period. It's nice, and this isn't the first nor second time I've employed it.


I wish you all blessings and fortune. <3

Age 17 poem


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