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Update On All Things Crab 5/5/13 by Term

So I figured I needed to update my journal because it seems like every time I post here it has something to do with a tragedy or something or other that's gone on wrong in the world. So here's some positive updates!

Lately I've been working my ass off between four different gigs. For those that don't know, I work as a camera operator and engineer up in New York City and Newark at a regional sports network and arena respectively. I also have my own business and a side gig to go along with it to make some extra cash and further my video exploits.

Since the weather's been warming up and we have an onslaught of sporting activities going on (NFL Draft last week, NBA and NHL post-seasons, MLB, all that fun stuff) along with it starting to become graduation season, I've been getting a LOT of steady work which while helping put some cash away, has been eating up a good deal of my time.

I've been trying to juggle things together which has worked for now, albeit with some hiccups here and there, but I've managed. I'm currently expecting to be at AC this year to see some people (hence why putting money away helps) and hopefully we can get some Weasyl stuff moving along for you, the users.

Also I hope to start putting up some more writing soon. Though of course what with the "free time" issue that's proven a bit difficult at this current time. But keep an eye out as I won't completely rule the possibility of some new material.

That's all for now! Let's all cheer on the summer people!

  • Term

Update On All Things Crab 5/5/13


Journal Information
