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Who even reads these anymore? by FurryJackman

It's official. 2017 and 2018, I have not been social at all with any fandom. I just missed out on Howloween because I was forcibly taken to the hospital by my social worker the Thursday the week of, and the psych there strictly told me to not do anything until I meet with my regular psychiatrist. Missed the entire weekend.

What is it that everyone in this world wants autism to be "fixed?" Like I can't even speak up about it without being shamed on behaviors tied to the "disorder" as they call it?

It's like they say "Don't use autism as a clutch." Yet the common behaviors associated with it are called out as "You're so full of BS" without even trying to understand what's common with people with the affliction. And there's no defense, cause trying to say it's a common thing between people like us, only then proves to the others it IS a clutch.

If you got this far, thank you, but please... some things you don't "cure." But this is lost by society's way that people that can't be cured should be locked up and institutionalized.

For 2 years, I have not gotten into a better mental state to interact with social groups, and proves I am officially a recluse. And hope doesn't come from within if you have no one close to you to back that up.

VF 2019 is cancelled too. And if my "support group" can't make miracles happen overnight, (which the world has no patience for people that should have been "cured") Howl 2019 is also cancelled.

Who even reads these anymore?


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