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1.5.2013 Free Sketchs Mk. III (CLOSED) [+ News] by Fawks

So, I seem to be keeping it somewhat steady and regular as far as pictures and post go. I'm also establishing a few ground rules. Currently, my biggest challenge I'm facing is anatomy and style. I'm hoping to establish something of my own, but for now it's just exploration.

I've also noticed a trend to furaffinity involving YCH (Your Character Here) commissions/auctions. I have a few opinions that lead to an ultimate decision about them.

████ Free Sketches

Request Line Open May 1st~7th or Five slots are filled

Free sketches still going! I want to keep it up so as to make sure I got the endurance for this kind of thing. I'm also thinking I should limit what I draw, such as mild to moderate art, limiting the nudity to underwear. After all, if I keep this up, what would happen if I opened up for commissions? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Also, the only other reason I want to refrain for explicit images is because I don't have the best anatomy skills to begin with. Which is why I opened up a request line to begin with. Practice!

Examples of my Practice:

Any request you have, comment on this journal and I'll let you know if I can do it! I'm pushing myself because you guys are helping me!... If.... that make sense.

1) Reofeir

2) LeoSapphireKitsune

████Your Character Here(YCH) Auctions/Commissions

These prepose pictures have been dismissed as some artist being lazy and that's only about 20% true at best. Even if the layout of the body or bodies are shown, You still have individual characteristics, and final details that still need to be determined about them. Even the environment could or is a factor in the art.

I personally dislike the auction approach to any piece and tend to "buy out" when I can. However, I can understand some people's wish to save money anywhere and everywhere they can. The only other thing that feels unfriendly like competitive bidding is being shown commission slots available when I'm flat broke. Come on, we've all been there.

So next month, I want to try a flat color cell shaded YCH picture. I'd like to hear some opinions on if I should just post a cheap flat charge for prepose or if I should place it auction style so as to have the chance to get it for a steal.

1.5.2013 Free Sketchs Mk. III (CLOSED) [+ News]


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  • Link

    Anatomy, eh..?

    I must say, your art does strike off as adorable to me.

    • Link

      Thank you very much >w<