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The Struggle and the Plans by foxie_xxx

Well… this is (kinda) the journal I said I was going to write. I actually have wrote a different journal, as I usually do before posting, but, after a couple of days (and looking from a more rational point of view), it looked as crap (basically, it was a rant about how my life has become a shit and how I hate the government and everything it’s part of it… I’m sure no one would want to read that. ^^)
So, this is the real resume of the last months. As you guys must have noticed, the time between posts have become longer than I wanted. This is because, between July and August’s end, lots of stuff happened (lost my job, my father became ill and I had a major panic attack because that. He's already better, what is a great relief), but I’m trying to do my best to keep the pace.

So, I’m focusing my efforts to do what makes me happy while I’m trying to figure out what to do (and, if it makes other people happy too, it’s already a great victory!).
I think I want to do another theme month. I'm not actually in the mood for Inktober in the next month (since my planning was ruined), but I want to do something anyways. I already had some ideas and want to know what you guys think of them (suggestions are appreciated too). Basically, my options in the moment are:

-Cat-tober (cats and other felines; the idea I'm more inclined to, to be honest)
-Fox-tober (foxes and kitsunes), and
-Ott-ober (otters)

I’m thinking if I make a poll about it. We’re gonna know in a couple of days.

The Struggle and the Plans


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