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People wonder why I'm so pessimistic, here's why: by InfinityForever

So I figured since a lot of people think I'm just being overly pessimistic for no reason, that I needed to make a list of things that just constantly happen and as a natural progression has made me to just expect bad things, and the following is what I like to consider evidence to support me:

1) I finally got into a sort of motivation to begin writing again, after suffering a concussion and subsequent brain damage back in 2012. However, I have lost ALL of the previous material that I've written, the pile of composition books and notes. This was the stuff that I had been writing since I was about 10 years old, and a lot of it needed a re-write but at least I had a basis to go off of, now I don't. It all got destroyed because a part of the garage ceiling caved in from a hole in the roof we didn't see, and water leaked down, just onto the spot where I stored all my written work. So just my stuff was ruined, nothing else in the garage, doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but I'm starting to think the world is just out to get me. This I compare to other instances where I end up losing things, like my entire comic book and baseball card collection that were gifts from late family members, things that had some sentimental value that are gone and I can never get back.

2) A car that my brother and I got so that he could get to work and I could finally work on getting my license, just paid the last bit of it and then my brother gets into an accident. The car is considered a total and the insurance will only cover a little over $1000 because it's a 2010 and has over 150,000 miles to it. So instead we're now forced to get a new car that will add at LEAST $15,000 to our debt already, just when we were finally getting somewhere financially. This might seem like a first, but honestly anytime we finally get some money something major happens that causes us to go into further debt. Last time involved the roof of the house caving in, some time before that was when my mom's car stopped working, some time before that was our basement flooding. It feels that anytime we start to get ahead something happens to put us deeper in the financial hole.

3) None of the wall sockets in my bedroom work anymore, not sure what the problem is but I now have absolutely no power in my bedroom, and we have no central AC or heating, so this is DEFINITELY going to suck for me, more so on the hot days cause at least I have thermal blankets but I can no longer have my computer in my bedroom or even an alarm clock and it's pretty much always going to be dark because I have blackout curtains (unless I decide to open said curtains). However no other room in the house is like mine, nope, just mine, and we even got an electrician who couldn't figure out the problem and wanted us to pay him to rip into my bedroom walls to find out. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen, paying to tear down a wall when we'd also have to pay to get it replaced, what kind of world has this become? This just seems to lean more on the world just being out to get me more than anything, because why just my room? Why me?

4) Lately, it seems that any community I go to, forums, chatrooms, and the like, I've been getting lots of hostility for what I can only assume is unprovoked. One prime example was my saying that I resigned to living single for the rest of my life when someone asked if I was dating anyone. They took it as some personal affront to them and proceeded to scream and curse me out until I just left. In a different situation, I made a joke trying to be all "meta" (not sure if that's the right term or not) with something along the lines of "someone always has to point out the obvious, that's just how the internet is" and I got some laughs from it but then one person just screamed at me and said I need to "take your head out of your ass". It was weird because they hadn't even said anything prior to that comment I made, and it definitely wasn't in response to anything they said or did because I didn't even know they were there until they replied with that. Lastly, another instance (this time offline) was that while I was shopping with my mom, this person just came up and started yelling at me, when I hadn't even seen the person before. I can only assume they thought I was someone else but it caused me to get kicked out of the store and unable to continue to help my mom (who has pretty bad arthritis and thus has a hard time moving around and why I'm usually there to help her).

So that's the few things I can think of at the moment, I might edit this to add more later but due to my horrible short-term memory that's unlikely. However, I hope those that do read this can see and get an idea now why I seem so pessimistic. When this kind of stuff happens on a semi-regular basis, one can't help but just expect more bad stuff to happen, especially when something good happens. For example if I ever "won" anything, there would be some catch to it, for me there always is. Last time I won something I got robbed and shot in the back and the thing I won stollen from me atop a couple grand that I pulled out of the bank to pay rent.

People wonder why I'm so pessimistic, here's why:


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