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To explain downtime in artwork~ by Deviantmarshal

There's a LOT going on IRL at the moment, such as me revising for both my Theory driving exam AND my practical exam.

I've also had to do a fair amount of work for a work-finding scheme being set up atm. XD

So, basically for the past week or 2 i've not had five spare minutes to set my head on 'Draw something damnit'..

On the positive side, i've ordered 3 AEP's which should arrive around the 19th-20th of May, which in turn should start attracting some people to start shooting Airsoft guns, at the least to see what its like. XD

So thats all good. :3

Those who know me best know that i rarely (if aside from that one time.. ) post ANYTHING that's not finished/not going to be finished, all my WIP's are just to show people what i'm working on and all that.

This basically means i don't do sketches. I just cannot bring myself to just doodle and see what happens, that just doesn't compute~! <insert a lack of computation joke here>

With any luck tomorrow i'll get SOMETHING done... even if it is something..... wierd. XD

To explain downtime in artwork~


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