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Patreon freebs, Cooking, and Animating next week! by Zaezar

Howdy. I was talking about doing better at announcing my specialty streams ahead of time more and here I am! Except one. Didn't have time to post about it until now to that one is kinda last minute. Sorry.

We are still above the $250 goal on Patreon so we are still going on with the Patreon Freebs streams. As well as that, we hit BOTH the !fishgoal and the follower goal on Twitch in the same stream. When it rains it pours because I have my GF Road visiting for another week, Shark Week is coming up at the end of the month, AND ARTFIGHT is happening right now. So I am a little bit busy with stuffs and I apologize that uploading has been a bit slow. I assure you when I get time I will be spamming uploads like no tomorrow <3

Now, onto the schedule.
Tuesday (7/10/18) Is the CaramellDansen stream. I will be animating Saffron dancing an old meme dance that I have wanted to make for over 6 years. Finally.
Friday (7/13/18) Is the Patreon Freeb stream. Come on in and get a chance at getting a sketchy linework headshot! Patreon supporters get extra chance and get theirs colored, since they are the reason its happening at all!
Sunday (7/15/18) is a cooking stream. And I am going to see if I can get my grandmother to join in, lets see how that goes!

I am legit super excited for these streams as they are all things I love working on. I hope to see you all there~

As per usual, they are all starting at 6PM Central Time at

Patreon freebs, Cooking, and Animating next week!


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