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July Update by IridescenceStudios

So hey guys, happy July! I'm going to try to be a little more regular with the updates, make sure at least you're getting your money's worth. I'm still debating how to proceed going forward, I didn't expect things to take off super quick nor did I think other things would take this long, but I haven't forgotten you.

Some of you may know I suffer from anxiety and unpredictable bouts of motivation so I'm not always super consistent despite my attempts to try to be.

Nevertheless, I think I might start trying monthly updates, maybe the first sunday after each new month or something, and keep you up to date on what is happening so you'll know where I am.

Towards the end of the month I'll be taking a vacation to Bronycon and to Star Trek Las Vegas, so that'll be fun.

Otherwise, I plan to keep working on Blue Moon for a bit and when I return I am not sure what I'll work on next, but I think I may stay focused on my main projects for a while.

I may even try streaming tonight. Can't say for how long, but it might be a short one.


July Update


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