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▲ Been a Year. Hmmm by Uluri

It's been a year since I used this site for more than just sharing my Youtube videos. A lot of things have happened since then I'd say. I'll be posting on Weasyl a bit more often some of my favorite artworks I've made.


  • New Laptop Gotten FINALLY. It's named Ulucom and I can actually use it. I am very happy wit this laptop. I got it from Origin PC. It glows and can run my games and art programs very well. Very happy with it.
  • I have updated my Profile info to display proper information as of 2018 such as CHaracter Refs, Commission Prices, and updated personal info + added a FAQs link.
  • Commissions are Currently $30/hour. Certain coms are flat rate as that'sthe average time, but varying coms like comics and animation are done solely by the hour. Please view my Commission Prices for more information about "by the hour" commissions.
  • Character Tab Updated with updated refs of my mains and links to my toyhouse for more information on them. (Minus Sin. I'm Lazy even though he's my Fav)

Man, something about the layout of this site still urks me. I dont like how the profile looks, but I also can't pinpoint what it is. I think I'd like the "featured artwork" to have a size limit because MAN, I do make some larger artworks and it takes up so much room. I'm not happy with that. Maybe I'd like my journals to be above my contact sites, too, because I actually have a lot of contacts and I think Journals are more important of a feature to be seen first.

▲ Been a Year. Hmmm


Journal Information
