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Big changes! by Vrabo

I've been getting more and more commissions lately and it gave me a sense of urgency to take this way more seriously! With that, here are some changes!

  1. No more haphazard commissions! I used to link to my FA's Terms of Service and not everyone is able to view FA. This is my new TOS:
    It comes with a form which it'll hopefully provide commissioners a more organized way of describing what they want (some commissioners have a hard time with that).

  2. Much more easier payment system! It's just one simple click now for customers. No more headaches with figuring out who should give out their email and who should send the invoice.

  3. Patreon has been revamped! I originally launched it without a clear idea for rewards and I'm embarrassed to admit I ended up giving false promises. The tiers are now much more appropriate and true to what I can deliver; sneak-peaks and early finished projects. Censoring content from everyone just to make money just sounds wrong to me. Check it out here:

If you're just a watcher then these changes won't really have an impact on your viewing experience. These are mainly to make the commissioner's lives easier with dealing with me!

Finally, thank you all so much for the continued support, it really means the world to me! I'm constantly looking for more ways to improve the way I deliver art to you all and hopefully these changes are for the better! <3

Big changes!


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