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Important Art Updates: Upcoming Projects and Goals! by PieMan24601

Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I have some important announcements to make!

There are some BIG changes coming to my art sites, and how I do business here. I'm completely revamping how I go about things in an effort to be more successful, prevent burnout, and ultimately provide a much higher quality of work. I should've done all this a looong ago, but for some reason, I just didn't. I'm changing that now. From this point on you'll see these changes slowly go into effect, and I certainty hope it makes everything much much better.

So, lets go through whats happening, shall we?


I have NO idea why I never set up a proper Patreon. I'm going to be fixing that ASAP, it should be up and ready relatively soon.

The Patreon will be art focused, but it will help support me in all things that I do. Patreon donators will have access to unposted art, as well as sketches, WIPS, and more. Depending on your tier, you could have access to art packs and other paid projects for free! You'll also have influence over what I draw, with Patreon exclusive polls and votes. Supporting my Patreon will allow me to do more personal projects, such as comics, interactives, vore games, and more. I will have more details soon when I finish setting it up.

Art Packs:

I want to sell little art packs, probably around like $5 each. One of the things I really struggle with is burnout. To help prevent that, I am going to be making little art packs of various themes containing exclusive artwork only available in the packs. I may even do some comics like this.

Vore Games:

I'm a game developer, so I have a lot of vore game ideas. I want to flesh these ideas out and make them available for all of you to play. I have some prototypes built up that I've been unable to use for ages, but if my patreon gets enough support, I may be able to take these ideas and make them whole. I'd love to do this as I think you'd enjoy my games not just for the vore, but for the gameplay and story too.

Physical Goods (Shirts, buttons, prints, plushies, dakimakura, and more):

I just think this would be really neat~ It would also force me to go to more cons and set up a booth or something. I'd just love to make some fun little pieces of merch for you all to enjoy, so I'm looking into methods to make this possible. I have some ideas planned, from little plushies of Sarah Vixen, to shirts with fun designs on them. I'll hopefully have something ready soon! I wonder where I can get a Sarah Vixen branded apron made...


I will still be doing commissions, but I will be going about it differently. To avoid burnout, and keep the quality of the art high, I will be taking commissions only when I am in the mood. I will also only be accepting Ideas that I am super into, or enjoy. This means I will be implementing some kind of theme system to help people know what I will be accepting. I will also finish all my pricesheets, which means I will be taking not just standard art commissions, but comics, sequences, pixel art, and more. Sorry for the wait on that guys, I know you've been wanting comics for a VERY long time.


"Predator Practice." was an absolute blast. I LOVED making that and seeing all of you react to it so positively. I know a lot of you are just begging for more, and I'm working on it. I want to do something like it, a kind of spiritual successor of sorts. Plans are being made. Don't you worry. Thank you so much for your patience on this, I am always so happy to see that so many people care about the interactive, it's just fantastic to me and makes me smile.


I really want to make comics about the world my characters live in. I want to show Sarah, Chris, and Nomu going on grand adventures with friends. I may fuse this idea with the interactive, making things more interesting, almost like a D&D adventure where all of you are the players helping my cast along. I want to tell stories about my characters, and even stories about new characters you've not seen before, like how Chris met his partner Digimon. I feel like this would be a lot of fun, so please let me know what you think.

So yeah! That's the general plan for my art stuff. I hope that These big changes produce some of my best content for all of you enjoy. If you have any questions, PLEASE feel free to ask them. I will answer them the best I can. Thank you all SO much for your unending support, I love you all, you're just the absolute best. Thank you!

Important Art Updates: Upcoming Projects and Goals!


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