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Rampage - movie review by JohnStripedfur

Now, before I get to the review just have to say that I've never played any of the Rampage games. I can hear a few gasps out there. I've heard of it, but just never played it. The only giant monsters game I've ever played was an arcade game called King of Monsters. It's basically an all out battle royal between generic giant monsters done in WWF/E fashion. I've played it once, but it was a fun game to play. I wonder if it's available for Steam. Anyways, on to the movie.

The movie itself wasn't bad. It's not great, but it's a lot of fun. Cheesy fun. The kind you expect from a giant monster movie. Although you have to get through a lot of build up to get the actual giant monster mayhem, but it's well worth it. The villains are one note though and the acting is mediocre at best. The best parts throughout is the relationship between Dwayne Johnson's character and the giant gorilla George. You can feel the emotion between the two and get the relationship. The special effects and the CGI are definitely top notch for this. And it needs to be for this type of movie. I'm sure many of you go into this movie and expecting to be like Sci-Fi Channel type of movie, but this movie blows all of them out of the water.

Overall, if you're a huge fan of the arcade game, you'll like this just fine. If you're a fan of giant monster movies, you'll enjoy it for what it is. Everybody else,, judge it for yourselves.

Rampage - movie review


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