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March Update (1/2) by Gagethyous

Greetings and bienvenue, everyone!

First things first, getting the personal stuff out of the way.

I have gone through a breakup recently. My relationship of quite some time has ended, so I am going to be a good deal slow for the rest of the month. It is something I do not wish to discuss in great detail, but needless to say, the lessons learned from this are going to stay with me for the rest of my life and possibly beyond. I don't know what else to say for once, aside from... I have truly lost faith in myself. But I shall continue to move forward. Even with all these things in my heart and on my mind, I will make proper progress towards becoming a better person so that the mistakes I've made shall never happen again for as long as I have the capability to prevent them. I'm not going to be the same after all of that. Never again I say. Never again...

Alright.... With that dealt with, let us get onto business.

This will be a rather brief and to the point journal. I have a LOT of things to cover, and thanks to the havoc that came from my entire schedule being uprooted from the first few weeks of this month and my own crummy execution of October through February. As a result, the things I will be uploading are going to be rather... scarse.

Of course, that will not be the case for the next month and onwards. With my schedule freed and a slew of personal obligations taken care of, I can dedicate my time between slightly fewer things and get them done reasonably faster.

St. Patrick's stuff will be uploaded later on in the month, so apologies beforehand on it being late. But at least with the time taken to get things ready and everything, I can safely say that the content will be the first true pieces I'll be getting done this year. And I'm excited for that!

Easter is coming up, and boy oh boy, is everyone in for a treat. No pun intended of course, but I have a lot of things to get done for the occasion. Unfortunately, due to the stuff that happened this month and my own personal failings in January and February, I have no time to do what I planned on doing for this coming April Fool's. Would have been nice, but I know my limitations and I'm not going to be overworking myself to meet something which isn't even that important. Keep an eye out!

Things for May and June are going to be BIG. Mayternity, Mother's and Father's Days, the Mecha Bi-Month Special, and even my birthday are the things to be aware of, and I'm going to be doing my utmost best to meet practically every single goal and objective. It's going to be huge, and aside from Halloween and Christmas, these two months together are going to represent what I am expecting to be the pinnacle of my future artistic career. Also, to be clear, my birthday is on the 11th. If you ever see why I love the number, well, now you know why!

Also, something I am VERY surprised about, I am coming up on one hundred watches on Fur Affinity! Unlike Tumblr, none of these are bots, so hey! If we reach one hundred, then I'll definitely make something nice for the occasion. And if this is pulled off, it can be the solid start of future watch benchmarks. Fingers crossed!

I do have a Telegram and a Discord! If you do as well and wish to talk to me, note me or post a comment. I'll be more than glad to accept it!

Finally, I am now opening requests! While I have yet to upload my TOS, just know that I do have the right to turn down the request (Like a traditional commission), and that no vore, gore, scat, nor cub is allowed. Any questions, feel free to ask!

With that being said, that will be all for now.

March Update (1/2)


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