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New Nintendo Direct webisode incoming! by BlazRtheDragon

Greetings, my fellow comrades. It is I, King Sceptile, ruler of all gluttony, and the beloved savior of all dragon types. Welcome to today's new episode of the Daily Dragon Tab.

Before we begin today's topic, I bring you bad news and good news. The bad news is, it appears that Dera Mochimazzi has retired from the Daily Dragon Tab. He plans to reside in the heart of Japan, where he will plan to attend sumo college in favor of a hybrid technique based on sumo wrestling and karate actions. But never fear; he'll be peacefully spending a lot of quality time alone in his own home, where he will remain safe from those who prefer to gobble him up for dinner. He's strong enough to withstand chefs. Trust me on this.

Now, I have some good news. The good news is, I have been selected to take over Dera's backup spot, where the show will continue to share the latest news, discussions, upcoming info, events, media, and other content that's based on the real world and anywhere else in between. To honor my successful start of the week that's dedicated entirely to... moi, I'll be taking control of the show every spring with BlazR set to arrive back home, so for now, let's get right into today's topic.

Announced by Nintendo via Twitter, a roughly 30 minute Nintendo Direct will soon take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST. But remember: this is the Daily Time Savings. It is already set to 3 PM PST / 6 PM EST, because it's been shifted to one hour away from now. We'll be waiting till the day the time is fully restored. Among the blurb, it reads:

"Tune in for roughly 30 minutes of information focused on Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS titles launching this year, including new details on Mario Tennis Aces."

To be completely fair, I know nothing about Mario Tennis. But what I did hear is that CAMELOT is just a jerk towards SEGA. They really should've listened to them, but no. They're just entirely focused on sports, rather than RPG content. All tennis nonsense aside, what can we look into tomorrow's upcoming Nintendo Direct webisode? Will it be new 3DS games on the way? Will there ever be small surprises waiting for us? Is there hope for a mention about Nintendo LABO? Make sure to leave a comment, and share your predictions of what we would be seeing in tomorrow's live broadcast. Have your tablets ready for live tweeting!

Thanks for watching today's episode of the Daily Dragon Tab. Tune in next time where we seek out upcoming information straight from the source. This is King Sceptile, signing out.

New Nintendo Direct webisode incoming!


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