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Travel and Birthdays and Joy by LauraGarabedian

So on Tuesday I leave for Greece. I will arrive on Wednesday... I will arrive on my birthday. I am so INCREDIBLY excited about this trip... Greece has been on my bucket list and the fact that I am able to go... just thrills me to no end.

I wanted to thank everyone who dropped by my drink and draw session, it was a LOT of fun, I may consider making it a monthly thing, because I just really enjoyed it. It brought me so much joy and was fun to talk to you all.

I won't return from my trip until the 24th, and will then leave on the 26th for a wedding, and return from that on the 30th, so expect me to be pretty much gone all of April. I hope you are all well.

Travel and Birthdays and Joy


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  • Link

    I'm envious... would have liked to visit Greece myself one of these days! Would actually put my Ancient Greek degree to some use. ;)

    Hope you have a blast! And a happy birthday too, of course. :)

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      *grinz* I feel so incredibly lucky to be able to have this opportunity. I hope you get to visit Greece soon!

      And thankya!

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    What a wonderful b-day gift!! I wish you a very Happy Birthday and a safe trip!!

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    Goodness, that's wonderful! :D

    Its cool that you'll be able to spend so much time in a place that you wanted to go to so badly AND on your birthday? It'll make for an unforgettable time, that's for sure. :D

    Well, have a great trip! Be safe and take lots of pictures! ^_^

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    Awesome! Do spend an afternoon eating mezze and drinking ouzo :).