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December Update and Year's Farewell by Gagethyous

Greetings and bienvenue, all. It has been quite some time, I have to admit. A lot of things have been happening in the last month alone. Of course, things I cannot share, which is sadly the majority of them. But in the last month, I have learned MUCH. Almost too much, to be quite honest.

To get the personal stuff off the bat, I have been dealing with some rather... persistent problems I have had. 2017 was supposed to be a proper year, but with stuff coming from within and without, I was essentially stuck and didn't take responsibility for a great number of things. As a result, I am more stuck than I ever have been and I am to blame for it. But with a new year ahead, I can't help but have hope. Hope that somehow, everything will be at least somewhat different. Somewhat more towards my favor in a way, if that's somehow possible. Regardless, I have a lot on my plate and not a lot of time.

Needless to say, the closing remarks for this year. These are important and will be the establishment of a proper trend for the end of every year, so to speak. With that out of the way, let us get to it.

Artwork: Oh boy oh boy, where do I even begin...

Lacking in every way. No substance, no quantity, no quality, and a pure waste of potential. So many amazing concepts, but that was just it; Concepts. Some of these were fleshed out, but these were only in the double digits where there was supposed to be at least a few hundred. Needless to say, things need to be pretty much reinvented all entirely, as my processes and way of doing things period is utterly flawed and prone to pure failure.

So hopefully, by the end of 2018, there will be at least fourteen pictures done. A very low goal, for sure, but one that is vastly feasible. My style will finally be fleshed out to the point where it can be solid, fundamental, and comfortable. I could honestly care less if it's pleasing to look at, because at the end of the day, I'm the one putting the time in to have it made and proofchecking it. I want to be able to enjoy it, as well as put out a proper amount within a given time frame.

Animation: I'm going to let this one be, as while I have planned for it, the amount of resources I have at the moment just simply prohibits it. I might look into digital animation, but all I have for the time being is merely a mouse. And a not very well functioning one at that. So maybe around the middle of 2018, we'll see.

Presence: Basically, me trying to get my name and work out there. Not good. Not good at all. I'll have to see about doing more on that front. I'm a very humble and meek individual, but I would like to have more attention towards my material. As I'm trying to reform my behaviors, mindset, and overall quirks, this bit of introversion will have to be taken care of. More on this later, depending on how I feel. I do have a Facebook and Twitter, so I will do my part by using them more.

Progress: This in due part turns back to the personal stuff, as I let myself slip almost as bad as I did last year. A lot of progress in many areas was made, but things also regressed in many more causing a sort of paradox that just degraded too many things to count. But I am going to take a hard stance on making progress while keeping a sort of conservative outlook. From now on, I shall let my actions speak for me.

Overall: To sum it up in one word, underwhelming. Better yet, wasteful. That's much more accurate. A lot of stuff was planned, but due to things carrying over from last year, as well as problems that were persistent throughout matters extending back over a decade ago, it came apart extraordinarily quickly.

Bottom line, this year was a mess. Everything outside was a mess, and everything inside was a mess. But lessons have been learned. Critique has been taken. And rules have been made. Now, the only thing left to do is to go forth with everything in hand.

I will be taking a short break from things, as there's simply too much for me to deal with at the moment with the current level of fatigue both physically and mentally. Do expect a journal on the fifth of January, or this Friday.

Take care, all. Please do stay safe and may this next year coming be one full of great fortunes, happiness, and progress. Until next time.


December Update and Year's Farewell


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