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Update for those without tumblr (tl;dr - ongoing 3-month blackout) by audiophileKitsune

For those of you unaware, when hurricane Maria hit this island it was catastrophic, to say the least. And it highlighted almost every single issue Puerto Rico has.

In short: Three months after the fact, the power still hasn't been fixed on most of the island. In my neighborhood's case, the ETA for the power company to come by and get started picking up all the poles lying in our backyards and replacing them... is March. So another three months.

Those of you wondering why things haven't progressed faster: If it isn't the Jones Law driving import costs for new poles up the wazoo or incompetent mayors deciding to bail out of the island for over a month instead of helping rebuild, it's the "unions" preventing outside workers and contractors from doing their jobs (because unions here give unions outside the island a bad name: they get angry when outside workers put up ten poles a day then take a whole week putting a single one up).

Currently I have a temporary setup on another place so I can work a bit, but times are limited and privacy is almost nonexistent at times. Better than nothing, though.

Update for those without tumblr (tl;dr - ongoing 3-month blackout)


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    That really really sucks. Sorry you have to deal with the full brunt of political ineptitude going on.