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Life isn't worth it anymore. by FurryJackman

19 friends lost.

Everyone hates me.

Life isn't worth it anymore.


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    Not everyone

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      My most recent one was a micro fox friend I had for 5 years abandoning me because I disagreed with one of his closest friends, or as he called it, little brother. That hurt so much.

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        Yes, it does. Have had several long-term friends just up and walk out of my lie in recent years because of disagreements. Ironically they called it "hateful" that I disagreed with them and yet it wasn't "hateful" that they not only disagreed with me but called me every name but nice, threw away over a decade of friendship, called me out to all their friends so they could join in the taunting and jeering, and then blocked me. People can be assholes sometimes. That is a reflection of THEIR issues and flaws, not your own. Don't take their inability to be decent human beings as being a reflection of who YOU are.

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          One after another is just way too much. I've lost so much this year that I thought I couldn't get any worse, but it did. The whole local fandom where I'm living now hates me.

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            Really? Every single one of them walked right up to you and said to your face that they hate you? Every last one?

            I'mi not trying to mock you here, I'm just saying that maybe if you take a moment ,catch your breath, and look at the situation more objectively maybe you might notice that it's NOT everyone, that they DON'T all hate you. Sure it may feel that way sometimes. Heck I'm a "right-wing" furry, I deal with people thinking "Christian" and "bloodthirsty, racist Nazi" are the same thing, and I deal with that every day. It's really easy to believe that the only members of hte fandom who don't hate me are the extremist psychos the rest of them think I am a part of. Add depression and/or anxiety into the mix and there are days that I don't even want to get out of bed. I'd rather just lay there and rot under my sheets. But that isn't real. Those thoughts, those feelings, they are not reality. Everyone does NOT hate me. Do some of them hate me? Yea, probably. Ironically it's probably the ones who screech the loudest about "love, tolerance, and acceptance" who hate me the most. Doesn't matter. They are not everyone and everyone is not them.

            So, are there people that may not like you, may even hate you? Yea, that's possible. Not going to lie to you or sugar coat it. But just because there may be, or even that there are, those who dislike/hate you, they are not everyone and everyone is not them.

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              Heh, I came from the Brony fandom which started so great for people on the autism spectrum to 100% be about love, tolerance and acceptance... Then the next year, they amended it to " a point." That snowballed into people that needed peer support getting abandoned and left behind one after the other. Brony fandom is all but a shell of what it originally was now.

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                Unfortunately that's true of a lot of things. Starts off with a great idea, then everyone else adds their interpretation or that idea until it's just a sad, hollow ,bastardization of what it use to be. But, that doesn't have to mean we change how we see it, or how we live our lives.