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Stocking Stuffer 2017: The End by TerinasTiger one's really coming, are they? It's the end of the 4th and last day of my party. My celebration for the Stocking Stuffer 2017 extravaganza.

I mean, I guess it's not surprising that people don't want to hang around in a cold, dark auditorium where the only heat is from these matches I keep recklessly playing with. I thought RisingKitsune might be willing to hang out, but they told me they were too busy replaying every Pokemon game, back to back to back. I really didn't want to get in the way of that, so I just sorta... left him to it.

So this is it? Is this how I spent my christmas? Freezing possibly to death in a darkened party hall I blew 500 bucks on that everyone was too busy to come to?

Well FINE! I'm fine! You know why?

Maybe my party didn't work out so well. But thanks to everyone who contributed, we put on a HECK of a holiday upload for FA. The other artists and writers who participated? You all made a lot of people in the furry community very happy. And I'm proud of that. You all should be too!

This was a gift to the furry community, to friends and people I know that love the same weird stuff I love. And I'm so very happy that other people joined me in making it real.

So even if everyone was too busy to come party with a strange tiger in a darkened room during a time when they should be with friends and family, we all did something PRETTY AWESOME!

Thank you for everything, guys. You're the real reasons for the season in my book. Let's check the SUPER FINAL STOCKING STUFFER 2017 MASTER LIST:

Stocking Stuffer 2017 Master List!

Naughty Updates

Nice Updates

End Master List

So just one last plug to give.

RisingKitsune is someone I haven't met before. We've talked a bit over Draconicon's private Discord chat, but I've never really gotten to know the guy much. But he had the guts to approach me out of the blue with a submission for an event like this. And I have all the more respect for him for doing this. He kicks ass, and you should check out his FA page because you might find something you like! I know I did!

Anyways, I guess I've just got this one match left. I should light it to give myself a bit of warmth before I leave this godforsaken auditorium for the last time.


Aaaand I'm now on fire. This is what happens when you let tigers play with matches. Ow. Ow. Ow...

Well, Tiger tiger burning bright, and to everyone out there have a good night!

Happy Holidays, everyone! I'm gonna go stop, drop and roll!

Expect more updates and the start of The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau: Wave 2 In February!

Stocking Stuffer 2017: The End


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