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Stocking Stuffer 2017: Day 3 Retrospective by TerinasTiger! Everyone's here! It's warm and there's lots of food and everyone came to my 4-day Stocking Stuffer 2017 Extravaganza party and-

Wait, why does it feel like someone's slapping my face?


Er, um...

I have to thank Vorean for coming by to check up on me in this darkened, empty auditorium where I am hosting my Stocking Stuffer 2017 party at, and for slapping me back to my senses when I was delirious with frost bite and hunger. I invited him to my party, but apparently he had already been invited to an exclusive Kobold-only jam a few auditoriums down. Still, he gave me a warm rotisserie chicken so I won't starve "until I'm done with this foolishness" and a pack of matches to help keep warm with.

I guess i'm like the little Matchstick Tiger now. Or something.

Anyways, we've got just one day left of Stocking Stuffer 2017, so while I'm lighting a match to try and stay warm huddled around it's tiny flame, let's check the Master list!

Stocking Stuffer 2017 Master List!

Naughty Updates

Nice Updates

End Master List

So yeah! TiranMaster was awesome and uploaded another story, which is great. And I had some art that was commissioned for me a while back that I finally got around to uploading. Which is also great! And while we're talking about great...

Vorean (FA Link: ) is pretty dang great! He's the guy who got a bit of commissioned artwork a while ago, and used his commission on me, just to make me smile. He's been one of my most consistent boosters in the furrier side of my life, and is a great guy. He's also a REALLY talented writer, a lot better than I am at prose, and deserves your attention and fandom. Check out his FA page, and I don't think you'll be disappointed!

Meanwhile, the entity he commissioned the art from, ChocolateKitsune (FA Link: ) is just plain awesome. A talented artist with a lot of fun ideas, a very unique style, and a comic that's been fun to follow so far. I don't know Chocolate Kitsune personally in any capacity, but if you're a fan of artwork that's hot, fluid, and very expressive, check his linked FA out!

Ok, so yea

Stocking Stuffer 2017: Day 3 Retrospective


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