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No one left to support me. by FurryJackman

It's all my fault. I wronged everyone. Mental Illness is a myth that I just need the crap beaten out of me to become "normal"

I have no support network left. Everyone hates my guts. I'm on the verge of actually ending it all, and I have serious plans this time...

Razor blade? Poison? Jumping from my balcony? Drowning in a ditch or river? Being run over by a dump truck? My mind is currently at this moment planning how I'm going to die. Nobody is going to stop me cause no one cares.

Happiness defines Xmas. For me, after the year of hell I've been through, suicide defines it right now.

No one left to support me.


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    Mental illness is very much a real thing. And you're not alone. You still have supporters. You still have friends. Not everyone is gone.

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      I will fail in the next thing I do. Even my mom thinks so. I will fail.

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        You don't fail just because you fall down. You can only fail if you refuse to get back up. Our "failure" are learning opportunities. As Thomas Edison once quipped, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that will not work." Keep at it. If you try, you might not succeed. If you don't try, you're guaranteed to never succeed. Thus, the only way forward is to try.

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          I've now lost 18 friends. Pretty much all my friends hate me now.

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            If they hate you, they were never really true friends to begin with, and you're better off without them. Friends are people who stick by you no matter what.