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Stocking Stuffer 2017: Day 2 Retrospective by TerinasTiger

Man, eating all those cold pizzas was really worth it! Even after all the heart attacks. Eh, nothing I haven't had to dela with before.

So there's actually a person or two here in the dark with me! Two awesome individuals, Drachronic and maskedllama, have been too polite to invent an excuse to leave! I'm honored to have them in the cold, dark of the party with me. Thank you both for coming! I'm going to order some catering, and try to find a lighter to start a fire or something in a trash can. Please don't leave! We can still make this a totally rocking party!

I mean, I DID call Arbanis to see if he'd come hang out with us. But he told me he was far too busy writing, and "plotting what fresh horrors to subject those meddlesome rangers to next" and then cackled and hung up. So I'm putting him in the "maybe" column for now. I mean, that sounded like a maybe, right?


Er, well, anyways, while I try to rope Drachronic and maskedllama into a three player game of some sort, let's check the Master List!

Stocking Stuffer 2017 Master List!

Naughty Updates

Nice Updates

End Master List

Ok, so in all seriousness, I want to stop and shill for a moment.

Arbanis is someone I haven't gotten to know that closely, but every single experience I've had with him has been pleasant so far. He's proven himself an intelligent, talented writer and I look forward to getting to know him better. He's a pretty great guy, and is very fun to talk to about story stuff! On a more shilling note, however, he's written some great series of stories! The "Pokemon Retrainer" series is a must-read for fans of ABDL stuff. He's got a smorgasbord of fun stories about Power Rangers getting corrupted into something different, and a ton of other things worth checking out as well, including non-diaper stuff as well!

Seriously Arbanis, if you're reading this, thank you for reaching out to me. You're a cool guy, and I was touched to get a chance to talk to you. It's my honor to accept your stories into the Stocking Stuffer 2017 collection, and anyone reading this should really check out his work.

Oh, and my friend :iconTiranMaster: also uploaded a second story as well. Seriously, check this guy out, he rocks!

Stocking Stuffer 2017: Day 2 Retrospective


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