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Jumaji: Welcome to the Jungle - movie review by JohnStripedfur

Before the main review, let me talk about the original. I loved the original when it came out back in 1995 (showing my age. :P). Robin Williams was at a height of his popularity at the time along with the child star Kirsten Dunst. I was a huge fan of the book when I was a kid and when they made a movie about it, I went to it at opening weekend. It was everything I imagined the movie would be. It was a great concept about playing a game where things come to life and wreak havoc in the real world. The movie still holds up a bit even though the CGI effects don't hold up much now in days. So, when they announced a new Jumanji movie, I wasn't excited because the original was good on it's own. There's no need for a sequel or even a reboot considering most kids now in days don't even play board games anymore. But, when they mentioned it'll be video game based, that made sense. So, looking forward to see how it'll work.

After watching it, it did worked. I like that the game changed from the board game to a video game to make it modern and this time the players gets sucked into the game and has to win in it in order to get out. Each character is unique and each actor playing each one did an amazing job. Dwayne Johnson playing a germaphopic nerd and Jack Black playing a high school princess was really good. And the woman playing a awkward girl was good, too. Kevin Hart is still Kevin Hart though. The villain was very one note, but it is playing off the typical video game clichés, so it works. As a matter of fact, it played on with video game quirks and clichés very well. The writing was well done for a family adventure movie. Even though it has a couple dick jokes in there. shrugs

Overall, a fun adventure movie you would expect from a Jumanji movie. Don't think there'll be a sequel since the ending didn't leave for one. But, if you're a fan of the original Jumanji movie, you'll like this one as well.

Jumaji: Welcome to the Jungle - movie review


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