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Back From The Con by IridescenceStudios

Hey all,

Sorry I've been out of touch but as some of you know I came down with the flu after the con and it took me out for close to a week! That being said, I've been trying to work through some difficult scenes, prepare for the holidays, do some video work and so on, but I'm still working my way back.

December is probably going to be a bit of a wash due to the flu/holidays so hopefully 2018 will start strong. That being said, bear with me for a while longer.

As far as MWFF, I had a great time, it was nice wearing the lighter costumes, and Lauren's new version needs some stitches fixed but otherwise no issues. My bear girl was well received and thanks to everyone who I got to spend time with, like dan_raccoon and chuckybb and angel_macleod. It was great to see everyone though there were quite a few I missed.

Thanks to peps6g73 for helping out with video and such, and it was fun playing games in the room. :)

I'd planned to write a more detailed con report, I still might, but for now, this is just to let you know I'm here and alive. ;)


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