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Future of My Art by TristanAlexander

Alright, I am 61, I do not have a lot more time on thsi planet so IF I can get myself to liv without much income (not that I have much now), I will stop taking commissions and after the ones I alreayd have to finish, I will work strickly on art I want to do! I will most likely do a lot of male nudes and not stuffthat will sell well or go to convebntions. But if I am ever going to paint even a tiny bit of those things I have wanted to paint for years, I am going to have to start soon and just DO it!

Future of My Art


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  • Link

    Good on you! I hope it works out, and I look forward to seeing what you'll produce just for you.

    • Link

      Thanks! It will be just for my muse actually...he is a stubborn brat and wants to play his own way. I enjoy doing commissions and have learned and stretched and grown by doing things for others that I would never have done on my own. But as I said, not that much time left, would rather do the work I have longed to do for years and be poor(er) then to have some cash but never time to do the work I feel I should be doing!

  • Link

    Well, looks like we have '56 in common. I get it.