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Interactive Annoucement! by RachelTheSeeker

Hey folks. I've given my Rachel project some thought, and with some advice under my belt and determination to keep on keeping on, I'm pleased to announce that I will begin work on a vore interactive starring Rachel!

I'll begin typing up the rules of play, and will publish them sometime today. At this point, I know what went wrong with my interactive from years back and I don't intend to give up on this one, regardless of beginning traffic or a lack thereof. In all fairness, I will be taking some liberties from Rayen's Adventure RPG in how the game will be run, but hope to put my own take and spin on things so as to not wholly plagiarize the experience they offer. Besides, I really don't have the hubris to think I could exceed Rayen's greatness -- I just hope to hold my own and provide a fun experience for those who wanna indulge me. :3 This is also going to be a sink-or-swim exercise for myself, as I've had issues with long-running projects many times before and feel this is where I can excel if I really try.

Though I am going to share this good news on my FurAffinity and Weasyl accounts, I will primarily be hosting the adventure-to-be on Eka's Portal. Right now I will "advertising" my interactive on Eka's forums to try and draw in some potential players outside of my friends and fanbase.

I'm so excited for this you folks don't even know~

Interactive Annoucement!


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