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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct incoming! by BlazRtheDragon

Guaps: Good morning, everyone! And welcome, to the Daily Dragon Tab. I'm Guaps the Sumofied Lugia...

RockN: And I'm RockN the Insatiably Fat Ho-oh, taking over BlazR's place in favor of awaitng him with a special announcement.

Guaps: Coming in at #1, we've got a special webisode of Nintendo Direct dedicated entirely to the upcoming Nintendo Switch game, Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Or Xenoblade 2, as they say in Japan only. This Xenoblade themed Direct will open up more new details to come, as we shall see who'll be the new host. I'll leave you guys off with a wild guess, but for now, I have a little something that's related to the Direct's new info:

"Tune in on the 7th November at 6 A.M. PST for a new Nintendo Direct presentation all about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the Nintendo Switch."

Guaps: Now keep in mind that, due to the daylight savings, the time has been set to one hour more at 7 AM, so it's best for us to wake up so early to see the presentation. Let us know your response in the comment section if you're ready to experience what the new Xenoblade themed Nintendo Direct will show us!

RockN: And coming in at #2 on this list, tomorrow marks the last day where Miiverse is about to permanently come to an end. After five years of being declared as the worst thing imaginable, Nintendo's staff member, Tom, had recently announced that Miiverse will permanently discontinue as of the 29th August of this year. The closure will affect the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, PC and mobile devices at 10:00 PM (11:00 PM, due to the Daylight Saving Times), and many games that feature a variety of integration with the Miiverse service will be cut down. So don't expect the Nintendo Switch to use that kind of silly method to waste its time with annoying little kids and even those who didn't grew up with the Nintendo days. After all, the Wii U's permanently destroyed by the popularity of the Switch. Especially that... well, I can't say. Because that would be more of an embarrassment! Ha-ha. Anyway, feel free to leave a comment down and tell us if you're happy to shout "GOOD RIDDANCE!" in front of Miiverse or not.

Guaps: And that's gonna wrap up today's episode of the Daily Dragon Tab. Tune in next time where we bring you up all the latest new information, news and more here at your favorite source, STRAIGHT from the internet! This is Guaps...

RockN: And RockN...

Guaps: And we'll see you guys then. Bye!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct incoming!


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