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BlazR's Retrospective on the Wii U by BlazRtheDragon

Hey, hey, everyone! You're watching the Daily Dragon Tab. I'm BlazR the Dragon, your dragonized host with the most!

It's 2017, and it's the big year of being reunited with the core gamers and the 90's Kids. But, we're gonna have to save the celebration for later, because in this full on topic, we're gonna act a lot serious. Before we give a warm welcome back to the sandbox roots of Super Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo Switch tomorrow, this is based on my opinion and theory about Nintendo's second most forgotten console that's next to the Virtual Boy. You've read that right! It's the Wii U, one of gaming's most forgotten blacksheep that was intended to be more of a fad or a trend, but ended up being a wannabe version of a Fisher Price toy. Since its unveiling at Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference, it was not only a disappointment, but a big fat confusion that made gamers, including various third party companies, scratch their heads. After five years of being ignored brutally, the Nintendo Switch just "swooced" right in, Shaggy style, and made core gamers, including 90's Kids, become fully reunited with each other. And of course, I'm talking about the return of open world and sandbox personalities. Again, saving the celebration for later, cause we're going on topic for this. Now keep in mind, this is basically a true story of how the Wii U ended up being underrated and underwhelmed by the community and its officials. Except for the Nintendo 3DS, because he's having a honeymoon with the Switch Doggo. So, with that said, sit back, relax and let's take a time travelling trip down to 2011, the year where the worst selling console took place at E3.


The following historical paragraph you are about to fully read may contain a dramatic rant against the console. For your safety, please don't try this at home. Especially in front of gamers themselves openly. Thank you, and enjoy reading!

It all started in 2011, where E3 took place. Nintendo's newest press conference was just around the corner, and after the Wii and Nintendo DS would become best sellers, especially allowing the Nintendo 3DS use its Glasses Free 3D capabilities with lots of sense that are quite positive, the Wii U was unveiled with its gimmicky motion controls and its silly looking gamepad. Many thought it was just a simple add on to the original Wii, but nope! It's just a successor. It had two analog thumb pads that were recycled from the 3DS; buttons A, B, X and Y; the left and right triggers that are paired by Zeds; an NFC reader / writer spot, until 2014 came with amiibo; a touchscreen; a TV button that acts like a remote control; a home button; a pair of start and select buttons, and even a microphone. After it was unveiled, it gained strike number one. Reason? It's quite obvious: confusion! And delay. Nah, just kidding. It was unveiled again with a slightly new upgrade to the analog thumb pads and this confused a heck ton of people, including third party companies, with mixed results. It was set for a November launch, but that was a little too soon. Unlike the Wii launch, where people would go and rush inside stores to get one before they were sold out, the Wii U, on the other hand, wasn't as popular as ever. Coincidentally, many fans weren't a lot happy about its launch. It was horrible. This made third party companies like EA, Activision and UbiSoft drop out of the support and forget everything what they just saw. Strike number two! That was when the Wii U had a huge lack of third party support from other developers. Sadly, only a couple of third party developers like Koei Tecmo and Bandai Namco were the only ones left with Hyrule Warriors (a cross between the Legend of Zelda and the Warriors series) and Pokken Tournament (a weird arcade fighting game with a cross between Pokemon and Tekken). Thankfully, the 3DS and the Nintendo Switch have them covered. Moving on, the Wii U was about to make a rocky start in 2013, and the president of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, had made a shocking statement that the company would not make it to a press conference, due to their embarrassing moment ever crafted. Instead, they wanted to focus on an E3 themed Nintendo Direct and so on. What was the big kicker for 2013? It was Super Smash Bros.! Since the Wii U version was widely ignored for some reason, it was ported to the 3DS as the best seller, marking it the first Super Smash Bros. game to be taken on the go with the term, "Fight anytime, anywhere!". Nice job, 3DS! Back to the Wii U. The Wii U version of Smash came bundled with the Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter that can be hooked to the Wii U system, and it wasn't compatible with other games on it. So that's a big downer. Then there's the Nintendo Digital Event, which debuted skits based on the producers from respective sources like Robot Chicken and the Muppets. 2014 was mainly alright for it, but in 2015, oh, man. You have no idea how notorious it was for Nintendo. After Mewtwo was praised for her comeback, a lot of core gamers, including a bunch of 90's kids that aided them, went completely Super Sonic against Iwata by criticizing his leadership and direction for being focused on kids and for babies, much to Sony Interactive Entertainment and Microsoft Studios' surprise and enjoyment. Well, after E3 2015 came along, Nintendo introduced Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, Star Fox Zero and even Mario Tennis: ULTRA SMASH. And what was the response? EXCESSIVELY NEGATIVE. And the result? Strike three, you're out! Iwata had went too far of being careless, heartless and unworthy of actually apologizing for what happened. Reggie stated that it was not an apology. It wasn't a statement about the content they just showed off, essentially it was more of an "I Hear You" message. Were all four games made as a torture device, or just a death threat against the core gamers? What kind of blasphemy and madness would do such a thing to those kinds of IP's, even though one of them didn't became dormant to this day? Well, at least I still own the rights to the Mighty Leon, which Star Fox is pretty much dead to some gamers. Other than that, many people were putting up discussion threads as to whether or not seeing Iwata gone would be a good idea. There were thread titles like "Iwata deserves to be fired!", "Iwata's dead to the core gamers!", "Iwata has gone TOO far!" and many others. But, seeing as I have no idea of my own thread... maybe that wasn't much of a good idea and all. Combined with the negativity and the bile duct growth that circled around him, Iwata's fate had knocked him over. And as the last resort, thanks to mtp's attempt of hate buying a bunch of Rosalina amiibo, he died at the age of 55. Was it a shocker? Yes. Was ridding the world of Iwata and his leadership / direction the right thing to do? Maybe. Or maybe not. Did this affect the 3DS? Not entirely. So, after July passed, nothing has changed. And we didn't even got a Nintendo Direct until November. Then, one day, a miracle shone through. And that miracle would restore everything of what Iwata had done! Who is it? Tatsumi Kimishima, of course. Now Kimishima had been the president and CEO of the Pokemon Company, and is best known for making Gold, Silver and Crystal, as well as Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald memorable, but hasn't been a whole new president since 2013... until now! That's one of the Wii U's biggest fears to accomplish. However, all wasn't lost, when the Nintendo Switch was unveiled in October, again in January and released in the 3rd March of this year. Even though Super Mario Maker and Splatoon were big top favorites, it just wasn't enough to save the Wii U's lack of interest and sales, because of how disappointing they originated from. I can't say I'd blame the designer for every character made, but what I can say is that the Wii U deserves to be forgotten. Nay, getting dragon punched by my elastic claws! No pun intended. After the 31st January, I believe that the Wii U has been a mixed bag for the past five years, and fan reception for Iwata as president has been mixed to negative, prior to Kimishima restoring things the right way. What exactly am I talking about? Suing the living heck out of fan games and ignoring requests with lots of outdated and out of touch excuses. Even though I have to pay my respects to his pasture, his legacy will live on... snickers not As for the Wii U, it's been cannibalized by both the Switch and the 3DS, because the 3DS turned against the Wii U. Another reason is particularly obvious: the 3DS is a best seller as of right now. It has a series of well known titles from Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Yo-Kai Watch, and many others! I bet that the 3DS has been immediately improved for quite some time, ever since it was praised. Hey! Maybe I don't have to deal with the worst selling console, right? But in the end with all seriousness, the Wii U was once remembered, but always forgotten. Its commercials were misleading, but at least Nintendo did the right thing to delete them all. Because it's time... to make the true "switch".

One last thing: remember back when Pachter and Sarkeesian made a couple of ill spoken remarks against Iwata? Welp, turns out I was warned. Guess I have to watch my dragon maw and my mouth before anything worse happens.

So, that concludes my historical opinion on the Wii U, a console that was unveiled with mixed reactions, a weird looking controller and a number of unmemorable games, save for those who moved in to a couple of consoles, such as the 3DS and the Switch. I know that there were games that look so good, they got featured on the worst seller. Oh, wait! I take it back; it was embarrassing. But still, I know they look good. Don't judge me.

What do you guys think of the Wii U? Was it fun, or just... not fun at all? Was it worth it or a waste of money? Do you have a favorite Wii U game that's recommended, but not way too much? Do you find the name misleading or just okay? Are you actually disappointed about the core gamers' angered response to the console, or are you happy that you get to keep it? (whispers) Um, ahem, between you and me, I'd prefer a giant marshmallow, a giant cinnamon roll and a big pile of butter to get hugged by ya. Y'know? (normal) And finally, do you have any final thoughts about the demise of the Wii U? Lemme know your response in the comment section!

Thanks for reading today's historical take on the Wii U. I'm BlazR the Dragon, and this has been the Daily Dragon Tab. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a flight to catch! See ya!

BlazR's Retrospective on the Wii U


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