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Muscular Update by Menageriecat

Eh, just a general update since because why the fuck not.

I'm mostly exhausted 80% of the time...injuries to my left knee (not arrow related) and to my right wrist like to hinder me, though the knee is the worst one. I limp around most of the time, and stairs are the worst. I bite the bullet and power through it for the most part when I'm working, because I really don't have a choice otherwise. I work very hard... I've got the most physically demanding job of anyone I personally know, moving on average ~6500lbs/wk with my bare hands alone. I estimate that would push to around ~15k/wk if I felt so inclined as to include using tools such as pallet jacks. I'm also on my feet moving around much of the day. Needless to say, I don't do a lot of sitting during my day...but I do have some nice muscles now ;) I couldn't lift a 40lb box without issue a few months ago. Now I pick up a 60lb box without much effort. If I didn't eat so much damn sugar, my belly would be trimmer, showing off the apparent abs I must have (according to my lady, I've got abs that even with my pudge, she can see the definition of). Though I will note: I'm not irresponsible with how I move weight. I know how to do it properly and absolutely will ask for help with things if I need it.

So rinse and repeat for the entire work week, and that's why I'm exhausted. Saturday and Sunday are recovery days, so those are spent resting for the most part. My job is very physically demanding, but I like it. I work my ass off to provide for my tiny family. Hell, I work overtime and work Saturday shifts when available just to provide. It's tiring, but I know that my lady, my good friend, and all our babies, appreciate everything I do. My family is teeny tiny, but it's the best, and I adore them with every fiber of my being <3

Artwise, I only work on the weekend. Saturday and Sunday I have time to rest and relax, so art is my thing those days...and Minecraft. I've been trying to practice digital painting for both a piece for my big sister, and for another one I'm sketching out... a gift for a friend at work. She's absolutely wonderful and always cheers me up on bad days. She always makes me smile! I can't NOT smile when talking to her. Fuck, I love my job. And friends, they're amazing.

Also Pandora Premium is a life saver...thank you Google credits for paying for that :'D But seriously, you can listen to your music offline, which is a godsend since there's no service of any kind where I work. I GOT MY JAMS.




Anyway, I hope everyone is well :)

Halloween is right around the corner.... 8)

Muscular Update


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