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DOOM fires up for the holidays on the Nintendo Switch! by BlazRtheDragon

Welcome to the Daily Dragon Tab. I'm BlazR, your #1 official host within this post, bringing you the latest news and discussions, as well as upcoming info, events, media and other content based beyond the real world and anywhere else in between!

Announced by both Bethesda Studios and id Software via their respective Twitter accounts, DOOM, released as a highly acclaimed and commercially successful reboot of an action horror hack and slash first person shooter from last year, will be firing up the holidays when it launches in stores and on the Nintendo Switch's eShop service on the 10th November!

In it, players must take on the role as the Doomguy, as they must "rip and tear" their way out of the flaming hounds of hell and back into the beaming light that's within Mars. Once they do so, they might head back home. But you may wanna watch out for the overlord himself, because he doesn't frick around with his massive roar, big horns and even those giant dragon like maw and teeth put together!

What do you guys think? Are you planning to pick DOOM up for the holidays? Are you brave enough to withstand both the monsters and the heat? Or will you end up sucking your thumb for having so much nightmares? Lemme know what you guys think in the comment section!

That's all I have for today. Until next time, see ya later! ;)

DOOM fires up for the holidays on the Nintendo Switch!


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