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A sci-fi & political dream, and Metal Gear Solid??? by GuzzleMuzzle

This one was odd. It began with that my sister was playing a game on a modern gaming console that was reminiscent of the older Tomb Raider games for PSX. During gameplay, she discovered a location where she gained access to an in-game video game arcade, and arcade perfect ports of the original Donkey Kong, and a handful of other games that likely never existed in real life. There was some manner of transition from this point of the dream onward, but I barely perceived it.

Next was something a little more realistic, yet still fabricated. Somehow, the idea was that issues concerning the current day presidency were linked to the Metal Gear Solid series. My own family was included in this segment, and we lived in a house similar to a house my first childhood friend used to live in. For some reason, there were many people in our backyard - and that yard was as large as the yard from the house we actually owned back then, which wasn't the case with my friend's yard - and there was political unrest. It was like a political rally, or something close to the events seen of today's real world political unrest - several people arguing and colliding with one another. Eventually, somehow, all of those people were gone, except for one family that lived nearby, and my family was outside arguing with them over a jug of milk. Eventually, they all came to terms, and then the other family sat around in lawn chairs in our back yard. Then, a male from the other family aimed a silenced pistol at my dad's head, and pulled the trigger, but it only made the sound of a bullet releasing, and no bullet was fired. For some reason, no one was upset at this practical joke.

What happened next was somewhat frightening. Suddenly, there was a street where our backyard was, and a large, armored vehicle drove by, with guns aimed at our house, which fired upon us. Somehow, its bullets barely damaged anything. We hid indoors. My dad had a plan to stop the "enemy" should they have chosen to come indoors - a landmine was set. However, it was set dangerously close to where we were hiding. Eventually, the shooting stopped, and a soldier entered our home, triggering the landmine, which illogically only made a small explosion that killed only him. Then, another soldier who was behind him began to have a nervous breakdown, and the "enemies" soon retreated.

From this point, nothing made sense. There was the notion of a futuristic, transforming vehicle that was preferably female, and named "SL17", along with the notion that everything that had just transpired was both related to that transforming vehicle and optional choices within a video game in the Metal Gear Solid series.


More odd dreaming.

A sci-fi & political dream, and Metal Gear Solid???


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