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So I've Left FA by ACDragon

After a scammer who recently tried to scam me on Inkbunny but got banned for it there showed up on Furaffinity and tried to do exactly the same thing to me, I filed a trouble ticket and unsurprisingly, FA's mods told me how to block the person and closed the ticket. No ban, no action taken against the scammer, nothing. So I wrote a call-out journal which apparently no one at all saw and as of this afternoon, I've disabled both my FA accounts.

Of course, this was merely the straw that broke the camel's back for me. FA's been implementing more and more artist-unfriendly "improvements" such as the utter lack of custom thumbnails despite the option still being plainly visible (which for me as a snuff artist among other things is a huge pain in the ass, since I have morals and like to warn people about what they're going to see so they don't have to see all the explicit details in the pictures in the thumbnails that they can't unsee), as well as their recent "hate speech" crap which is a serious blow to creativity (If you cannot think what you want, then you cannot be creative, simple logic). Their stupid "attempts" at keeping the peace are laughable at best and they've rightly become a laughing stock as a result of their shitty policies.

And finally, I just haven't been using the site all that much, since most of what I draw involves either the violent stuff that I can't hide behind a custom thumbnail anymore, or the cub porn that I occasionally like to draw and thus can't even upload there in the first place. Most of my furry website visits have been to either Inkbunny or Sofurry, so FA has become kind of irrelevant to me at this point.

So anyway, I've left FA. Who knows? I might actually be able to stay away this time.

So I've Left FA


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